If the specs are the same, the advantage/disadvantage created by their communication method pretty much go like this: Serial: +Less Pins needed, meaning more GPIO available for other stuff. -Requires faster speed to transfert the same image, meaning slower refresh rate. Parallel: -More pins needed. +Faster refresh rate at same clock speed.
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Serial-and-Parallel-Data-Transmission 8.2 jailbreak.
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Serial DataTransmission
Parallel Datatransmission
Used over long distances
Slower to send data
Faster than serial
Not reliable over long distance
Reduces requirement of wiring
Data may arrive at different times
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A zero-slot LAN is a local-area network (LAN) that uses existing serial and/or parallel communication ports on the computers in the network instead of requiring network interface cards (NICs) that would occupy an expansion slot. Advantages It leads to transmitting between computers over a serial or parallel port, thus freeing up an expansion slot normally used by LAN cards (NICs). Disadvantages Zero-slot LANs are typically slower than LANS that use NICs and are limited to… Read More
the speed of serial ports are slow. but we can send data on long distances as serial cable have low cost. Read More
Multiple bits can be transfered per cycle. Read More
Parallel data transmission is faster compared to serial data transmission. The speed of a parallel link is equal to the number of bits sent multiplied by the bit rate of each individual path. Read More
A serial wire can be used for several uses. Mainly, it's used for basic communication between different devices. The main advantage is the fact that serial communication can use only three wires. Parallel requires several more, typically eight, or sixteen, plus signalling, and traditionally is faster. But for simple communication between devices, which could be computers or other devices, serial communication can simplify things. Serial communication can also be used for great distances. The telegraph… Read More
A serial connection is used to connect one router to another in a network. In serial verses parallel, Serial only require 2 wires, so is cheaper and easier to use. Read More
Can span longer distance, fewer data paths, flexibility in design, error detection, Read More
In telecommunication and computer science, parallel communication is a method of conveying multiple binary digits simultaneously. It contrasts with serial communication, which conveys only a single bit at a time, this distinction is one way of characterizing a communications link. Read More
Some key differences between a Serial and Parallel Adder are that a Serial Adder is slower, a Parallel adder is a combinational circuit and the time required for addition depends on the number of bits in a Serial, but not a Parallel. A Serial Adder is a sequential circuit while a Parallel is a combinational circuit. Read More
Parallel ports are easy to program and faster compared to the serial ports. But main disadvantage is it needs more number of transmission lines. Because of this reason parallel ports are not used in long distance communications. Let us know the basic difference between working of parallel port and serial port. In serial ports, there will be two data lines: One transmission and one receive line. To send a data in serial port, it has… Read More
In Parallel Transmission, every bit needs a wire to transfer data from one place to another. For instance, n number of bits need n number of wires. Advantage: Its transfer speed is theoretically higher than with serial, since entire bytes or more can be transmitted at once. Disadvantages: Cross-talk can be a problem at higher rates of speed. That is why PATA drives cannot be clocked past 133 MB/S. Also, there can be many wires… Read More
The traditional parallel port is a 25 'd-sub' connector. Serial ports come in two flavors, either 25 pin 'd-sub' or 9 pin. USB (another serial communication standard) is a different animal. PS/2 is also a serial port and it has six pins. Read More
A 'serial to parallel' converter converts a serial data connection to a parallel data connection. For example, in computer storage, there are controller chipsets that convert SATA (Serial ATA) to PATA (Parallel ATA, also called IDE or EIDE). Read More
Usually serial. Parallel is almost completely gone, and serial is getting replaced by USB. Read More
Uart 1)Asynchronous communication 2)parallel data transfer Usb 1)Synchronous communication 2)serial data transfer Read More
Yes. 'Serial' transmission means all bits travel the same channel, one at a time. 'Parallel' transmission means several bits travel several channels, at the same time. Read More
It is less costly to design ever faster serial lines than to create and build the necessary circuitry to keep faster parallel channels properly aligned. This is why Parallel ATA and Parallel SCSI have migrated to Serial ATA (SATA) and Serial SCSI (SAS). Read More
LapLink is a talker/listener application for transferring information between two computers. Serial port to the serial port or parallel port to parallel port communication is established between the two computers. One is set up as a talker and the other is set up as a listener. Read More
Serial and parallel buses are both used to transfer data within systems. The main advantage that serial bus has over parallel is that it requires less cables to transfer data. Read More
With a Microcontroller look at it serial would be better than parallel when you have very few I/O pins or when you want to reserve extra I/O pins for other purposes. A cost-of-wire approach would prove that serial is better because the fewer wires would have a lower cost then that of parallel communication Computer case airflow would also indicate that serial can be better. With multiple harddrives in a computer sata cables will not… Read More
A parallel port can pass bits 8 times faster than can a serial port. Read More
Parallel ports are easy to program and faster compared to the serial ports. But main disadvantage is it needs more number of transmission lines. Because of this reason parallel ports are not used in long distance communications. Let us know the basic difference between working of parallel port and serial port. In serial ports, there will be two data lines: One transmission and one receive line. To send a data in serial port, it has… Read More
Think of the communication stream like a single laned road (serial) and a highway (parallel). Although the data is going in one direction, the data is sent bit-by-bit with serial communication (single lane road-car by car). With parallel the data is moved multi bits at a time (a multi lane highway going in the same direction with full of traffic) feature: serial communication means less number of wire and it is slow, one by one… Read More
New mice are neither serial or parallel, they are PS/2.. So, if you look at the back of the computer it has a different socket than serial or parallel. Only older mice was serial or parallel. P.S. Sorry for my bad English, I don't know if socket is the correct word, but.. Read More
Nov 4, 2018 - Is the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle worth it? Check out my Ultimate Homemaking Bundle review. So many resources to help make your life at. Ultimate homemaking bundle reviews 2016. Apr 11, 2018 - Sigh. I've been reviewing these Ultimate Bundles for a few years now. And every year, for the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle review, my fingers. Nov 4, 2018 - November 5-6, 2018: The 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is here. Each year for the last 3 years, I've done this review post to showcase.
The serial and parallel ports are slow,have limited expandability and don't carry their own charge of electricity.these ports work fine for connecting Printers, Mice and keyboards to PC but all these device will perform better if connected to a USB port Read More
A serial interface uses a single wire for sending data. A parallel interface sends the data bits simultaneously on several ('parallel') wires. A serial interface uses a single wire for sending data. A parallel interface sends the data bits simultaneously on several ('parallel') wires. A serial interface uses a single wire for sending data. A parallel interface sends the data bits simultaneously on several ('parallel') wires. A serial interface uses a single wire for sending… Read More
their is no limit do usb port. 1 parallel port and 1 serial port. Read More
S-Video is an analog port, not digital, so 'serial' and 'parallel' terms do not apply to it. Read More
You don't. If you are wanting to plug something into the serial port, and it is the same size as the parallel port (it isn't a parallel port, it's a different plug for the serial), use an adaptor. I'm in the same problem. I have a laptop and a program that uses com1 and need to redirect serial communication (com1) to a parallel port since the laptop doesn't have a serial port. i have an… Read More
because serial bus moves in single way where parallel bus moves in different ways. Read More
verbal and non verbal The above is a good answer for communication between humans, but since this is under 'computer printers' a better anser is PARALLEL - not much used today SERIAL - all modern printers, includes USB devices. Read More
It depends on the serial bit rate versus the parallel strobe cycle time but, in general, a parallel interface is faster than a serial interface. However, modern USB, Firewire, and SATA interfaces are very fast, and might be considered faster. Read More
1.serial adder add bits serially but parallel adder add bits at the same time . 2.serial adder depends on previous outputs but parallel adder does not depends on previous outputs . 3.parallel adder takes less time to execute compared to serial adder. Read More
Having a serial port allows you to plug more stuff in you computer. i think The serial technology and the parallel technology are now old technology because of hardware like USB and Firewire. They are ports on the back of your computer. Serial ports transfers bits one at a time in a single file one bit at a time. Parallel ports transfers data 8 bits are a time across 8 wires. There are still serial… Read More
a serial port sends and recieves one bit after another, a parallel port sends more bits at the same moment Read More
The serial port and the parallel port were older than the USB, (and others). What I think will help you best is the link below. Read More
USB port (Universal Serial Bus) replaces the parallel port Read More